Oil on panel, 6"x8"
This canyon is near the Rio Grande in Langtry, Texas. My brother Joe and I used to climb into it to explore and take pictures. We also tried catching a fish or two from the crystal clear springs in the canyon. I think it has been over 25 years since I have scaled the 300 ft. walls of Pump canyon climbing in and out of it. Painting this from one of my old photos brought back many memories of good times past.
Love it! The contrast and shadows are amazing. I find myself trying to peek around that rock formation on the right to see where that canyon goes ... but my head keeps hitting the computer screen when I do. lol. You're on a roll David!
David, I am analyzing the artifacts, in particular, painted pebbles, recovered by Ted Sayles at a rockshelter in Pump Station. We do not know exactly where it is located. His notes are sketchy. You mentioned visiting it as a child. do you recall any landscape or other information that I might bring to my research and subsequent paper. If you did happen to find some artifacts could you share photos? I would really appreciate.
Really like your painting.
Shirley Boteler Mock, Ph.D
University of Texas, MARL
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