Oil on panel, 8"x10"
I started this painting from a photo I took between Sisterdale and Fredericksburg, Texas, but after my initial block in I just wasn't happy with it. The photo is drab and lacking of any real beauty. I was initially attracted to the image because I liked the oak on the hillside but there is little else appealing about it. I decided to put the photo away and paint it the way I wanted it to look. I am much happier with it now. Much better to work from life anyway but it isn't spring, bluebonnets are not out and I am not in the Hill Country right now.
I like your use of pink in this painting. Very nice feeling.
Really nice, David. I think you are really progressing as a painter! Love the hazy hills in the background. Wonderful muted greens in the tree, and the reds (or pinks as Susan called them) really add warmth to the painting. Good job!
I really love the brilliant colors and the beautiful depiction of hills in the background.
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