oil on panel, 20"x30" This scene near Ft. Davis, Texas is from a photo taken by an old friend, Glen McGovern. Thanks Glen for the great reference material.
OIl on panel, 8"x8" I have been working on couple of larger pieces lately and feel I haven't gotten much completed so I painted this small piece this morning. I am hoping to finish the Peaceful Morning painting in the next couple of days.
Oil on panel, 8"x8" This painting is a revised and totally repainted version of a piece posted on 9-21-09. The scene is in Big Bend National Park on a very steep mountainside.
Oil on panel, 16"x20" I'm not quite done with this piece. I want to bring out a few details in the water and forground before I call it complete. This photo has a terrible glare on the left side which is also where the light is coming from in the painting. Hopefully I will get a better finished image when all is said and done.
Oil on panel. 8"x8" Not my normal landscape but I have done several still life pieces in the past. This is from one of a couple of sketches I did that I wanted to bring to a finished painting. Ultimately and soon, I am hoping to attempt a much larger similar painting.
Oil on panel, 8"x8" This scene is entirely made up. It started as more of a pastoral type scene but as it progressed my vision became a little more clear, I ended up with this rather typical Texas hill country scene with nice big oak trees.
Oil on panel, 8"x8" Another daily painiting of the Chisos mountains. This one is a close up of Casa Grande from within the Basin in Big Bend National Park.
Happy New Year to all! As is my recent tradition on new years day, I have done a small daily painting to kick off the year. This time I have picked one of my favorite places, Big Bend National Park and done a symbolic painting for the upcoming year. I will attempt to reach new heights with my skill level and rise to the challenge of obstacles before me.