Monday, March 30, 2009

"The Arroyo"

Oil on stretched canvas, 24"x24"

This is a larger painting of the same arroyo I previously posted to my blog. It is not quite finished but viewing them on the blog before I complete them can give me a totally different perspective of what needs to be done. I often see things that I miss standing in front of the painting.

"Cactus Flower"

Oil on panel, 5"x7"

A single yellow flower blooms on an opuntia pad.

"Stawberries and Cream"

Oil on Raymar panel, 8"x6"
This is another attempt at painting the little creamer that belonged to my mom. I placed a few strawberries for embellishment.

Friday, March 27, 2009

"Somewhere in New Mexico"

Oil on panel, 5"x7"

Another painting from a photo taken on that 1989 trip that included many stops in and around the 4 corners region. This scene in somewhere in New Mexico. Oh the light in New Mexico.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

"Late Afternoon, Lake Powell"

Oil on panel, 5"x7"

This painting is from a photo I took in 1989 at Lake Powell in Arizona. It is a very beautiful place to visit if you have not seen it in person.

"Dancing Shadows"

Oil on panel, 11"x14"

I love the way shadows seem to dance their way across the mountains, especially when the clouds are moving fairly fast. It gives you a wonderful feel for the depth and form of the landscape itself.

Monday, March 23, 2009

"Morning Call"

Oil on Winsor Newton canvas panel, 10"x10"

Here is the compilation of the previously painted 1940's Westinghouse Percolator and the coffee cups. I tried to get a better feel for the chrome of the percolator this time and I kept the coffee cups as subordinate objects with very little detail.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Oil on panel, 7"x5"

This pot of geraniums in my back yard seems to have sprung back to life almost overnight and given me another subject to paint. This was done very fast so I could get something posted to my blog. I have been working a modified schedule this week which has given me less time in the morning to paint.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

"Goggy's Copper Pot"

Oil on panel, 8"x8"

This was a copper pot that belonged to my mom, known as Goggy by all her grandchildren and by all that knew and loved her. It is one of the pieces I salvaged from her home after she passed away. I really didn't quite finish this piece but still, I like the quickness and loose brushwork I rendered in it. I may come back and add a few small touches to it but I have to be careful not to ruin it.

Monday, March 16, 2009

"Between You, Me and the Fence Post, Why the Long Face?" Completed Painting

Oil on panel, 10"x10"

Here is the completed painting of the Horses from the previous post. I attempted to simulate a little sunshine in a painting that my reference image had none. It was a bit challenging and I think I missed it a little. It is always more believable when you paint from reality or what you see rather than what you imagine.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

"Between You, Me and the Fence Post, Why the Long Face?"

IN PROGRESS, not completed

Oil on panel, 10"x10"

I know, the name is as corny as even I can get but I just couldn't resist. Painted from a photo sent to me by my good friend and colleague Sarah Messer. Thanks Sarah. This is the second great reference Sarah has provided me with, the first a photo of an offspring of one of her champion bird dogs. The painting was titled "Bird Dog" and posted to this blog on November 10th of 2008.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

"A Distant Haze"

Oil on panel, 8"x8"

Another view from the desert lowlands with distant mountains through an afternoon haze. Unfortunately most of the haze experienced in the Bend is pollution from Mexico. It can be really bad when the winds come out of the south and the jet stream brings the Mexico City pollution into the park.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

"Topsy Turvy"

Oil on Raymar linen panel, 5"x7"

From the same set of coffee cups brought to me to paint by Jim Stephenson. Hopefully, the next time you see me paint one of these they will be accompanied by the 1940's Westinghouse Percolator.

"Styro and Plastic"

Oil on panel, 8"x8"

Not much to say about this piece, although interesting substrates they pose environmental issues for us. Why have we become so easily programmed by corporations as to use something one time that could be used many, and throw it away? Just curious. It was initially a very successful marketing scheme. Disposable everything, use it once, throw it away and buy another. I just liked the different surfaces.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

"Union of Vice and Obsession"

Oil on panel, 7"x5"

My major vice is coffee, well, the only one I can write about on my blog anyway. I drink a lot and I love it. My obsession is painting. As often is the case, things can have double meanings. An argument could be made that coffee is my obsession and painting my vice.

This painting was actually started and wiped down a few days ago leaving me with a gray canvas to start over with. I don't work well with dull under-paintings, I have a process that works for me, or at least to some degree, all things being relative, and I am surprised I was able to pull this off at all. White objects have become a bit of a nemesis. I promise myself to make a weakness a strength in the months to come.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

"Sunset Over the Glass Mountains"

Oil on canvas panel, 12"x12"

A little north of Marathon up hwy 385 you will see the Glass Mountains to the west. This is a scene of the sun setting behind a cloud perched above them.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

"Yes, We Have No Bananas"

Oil on panel, 8"x8"

These are my bananas, I try to eat one every morning. Just hope I don't go bananas. Maybe I already have. Monkey? Where are you monkey? And what the heck does "yes we have no bananas" mean. Either you have bananas or you don't.

I'm not real crazy about this painting, and aside from a couple recent paintings that I deemed successes I feel like I have been in a little bit of a rut as of late. The only thing is, when you are in a hole, you can't dig your way out. The hole just gets bigger.

Monday, March 2, 2009


Oil on panel, 7"x5"

After fumbling around with a different painting that just didn't work. I painted this in about 30 minutes. Some kind of land speed record for me. And, as with anything I paint that fast, I can see things that would make it a better painting but I just can't get better brush execution or spontaneity when I paint much slower.