Just as I had hoped and planned for, I got the ball rolling today by starting off with a very small 6" x 8" oil sketch of everyones favorite bird this time of year. Two wild turkeys painted monochromatic on a toned background, very simply stated with little detail. The goal was to get this painting done in one session, but it isn't completed and I will apply more paint to it tomorrow and hopefully finish it.
As I often do, once I start painting a subject I will paint several of the same until I am satisfied with what I have accomplished. So look for more turkey paintings coming up, after all it is the fall and Thanksgiving is just around the corner.
I am fortunate in that I will be able to use a friends digital camera starting Monday. So, hopefully I will be able to upload each painting as they are completed. I may on occasion upload an image of a painting in progress, we'll see.